The COVID19 pandemic has complicated the business world’s previous practice of meetings. However, the future of in-person meetings can still be salvaged with the right practices and mindsets from businesses. Here are some suggestions on how to have in-person meetings while still keeping in mind safety measures.



Keep it socially distanced:


As we all know, it is safe to keep 6 feet away from others when meeting. To make sure your business is following these measures, try and book a space that is large enough to space out.






Wear a mask:


The CDC recommends people wear masks when present at events or gatherings. This is an easy way to assure meetings are covering safety measures.



Leave doors and windows open:


Leaving the door open during your meeting can be a simple choice that can create a big difference. Having the ability to open windows to allow airflow in the meeting space can also be an extra benefit to your safety measures.





Looser agenda:


Having a looser agenda for meetings can create a more flexible structure. This can be helpful in allowing people to come and leave within a safe distance of each other, or choose to video into the meeting if needed.



Have food individually packed:


Buffets and self-serving foods have been seen as a way to further spread germs. If you want to have food at meetings, it’s best to have individually wrapped snacks and food.




Use apps that promote social distancing:


The app, Social Safety, alerts people if they are closer than 6ft to others. This can be a tool to use to help others be safe while being in meetings. 



While the future remains uncertain, the success of your business is undoubtedly important. Forge remains steadfast in cultivating an environment where businesses can thrive and is making conscious efforts to keep people safe yet productive in our coworking space. We allow different options of conference room sizes, can offer masks and gloves to guests when arriving and can open the windows in big meeting spaces. Starting at $45 an hour to book a conference room, Forge’s meeting spaces are a great resource for businesses looking to grow. 



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