Emotional Health in the Midst of Distancing- Advice from a Bham Pastor

Emotional Health in the Midst of Distancing- Advice from a Bham Pastor

Yes, there are emotional affects of social distancing during the COVID pandemic. Our friend and Forge member Gary Purdy of City Church Midtown and Culture Care recently taught a webinar addressing this issue. We found Gary’s teaching and vulnerability so helpful and wanted to share with you.




Our society is in a collective state of trauma. Unlike Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which surfaces after a trauma has ended, the country is only startling to grapple with the pandemic’s psychological fallout now.

Jonathan Porteus, licensed clinical psychologist, Crisis & Suicide Hotline, Sacramento, CA



What are the emotional affects of social distancing?

  • Loneliness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


Gary continued to emphasize that loneliness, anxiety & depression feel like our enemy, but these emotions may become our teacher. If we can acknowledge our loneliness, then we can learn from it.


It’s important to consult a doctor, focus on doing some kind of energizing exercise each day (even if it’s just a walk), eat healthy and take time to practice slow breathing at least once a day.

What are some helpful mental practices when you are feeling depressed?

  • Learn about your personality patterns
  • Be kind to you
  • Talk to yourself when you usually listen to yourself
  • Phone a friend when it gets too heavy



When you have nagging negative thoughts, do you listen to yourself or talk to yourself?



Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts coming to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them, but they start talking to you, they bring back the problems of yesterday. Somebody is talking. Who? Your self is talking to you….You must stand up and say, ‘Self, listen for a moment, I will speak to you.’

D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, Spiritual Depression



The wiring of your emotional health can be affected by the psychological history in your family tree- if you haven’t already explored this with your own family it can be helpful to look back and ask questions about your family tree.  Gary suggests doing a genogram of your family tree. A genogram goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing you to analyze hereditary patterns and psychological factors that affect relationships.Then identify the sub-text or operating principle from your family of origin.





Life throws us so many hardships: heartbreak, illness, injury, death, abandonment. Though we may share similar experiences, every hurt is personal and affects our emotional health. We encourage you to examine your own emotional health and feel free to reach out to Gary with any questions. Gary Purdy is the pastor of City Church Midtown but he is also launching Culture Care– ongoing, confidential conversations about personal barriers to healthy work teams.

Birmingham: Let’s Learn & Support

Birmingham: Let’s Learn & Support

We love Birmingham. We are committed to supporting our black community, black businesses and black entrepreneurs, and standing together against racism. We are sharing a few Birmingham-based resources that elevate black voices in our city.


Journey Through Black History at These Key Places in Birmingham


Bham Now has written so many helpful articles like this one for those of us who are seeking to help and support our black friends.




I Create Birmingham : Blog Series on the Create Birmingham Website


Create Birmingham plays a unique role in growing the creative sector, including performing arts, visual arts and crafts, culture and heritage, media and film, design, and culinary arts. The “I Create Birmingham” blog series started months ago but we love reading about the various creators in Birmingham. Read these posts and support black artists and creators in Birmingham!




10 Insightful Quotes from Southern Black Women

Like Style Blueprint said, “much of the journey starts with active listening.”  Active listening can be the beginning of change! We were inspired by this list of insightful quotes from southern black women.




Support 17 Black-owned Birmingham Retail Shops + Creative Services NOW


Let’s be intentional about where we spend our money right now. A primary way to support the black community is to spend money at black-owned businesses. Thank you Bham Now for sharing this article!




And here are some organizations truly making a difference for POC in Birmingham and beyond:


Be Bhm

Be Bhm is a 20-week program designed to empower Black entrepreneurs with the business knowledge, encouragement, social networks and resources needed to be competitive in Birmingham’s changing and expanding marketplace.






Be Bhm’s newest initiative is blkLSTed– a community building initiative and economic empowerment strategy for Birmingham that utilizes an open-source, collaborative, living and unapologetic entrepreneurial directory for Black-owned, Black-led businesses and organizations in Birmingham.




Woke Vote


Woke Vote believes organizing for turnout is most effective when you execute a series of tactics, in a targeted universe, with a consistent presence. Since their inception Woke Vote has drastically increased the percentage rate of turnout (in some targets by more than 45% and in all of targeted communities by at least 5%).




Urban Impact


Urban Impact‘s mission is to preserve the physical structure of the 4th Avenue Historical Business District, the only intact African-American Business District in the State of Alabama.



Jefferson County Memorial Project


The mission of JCMP is to memorialize victims of racial terror violence and expand our county’s understanding of past and present issues of racial injustice. JCMP is currently composed of over 40 community partners and a multi-racial, multi-faith, multi-sector, and multi-generational group of committed volunteers.




In conclusion, we hope these resources are just a starting point for you. We hope you will research resources on anti-racism, read more, listen more, support social justice organizations and also buy from black brands and businesses. We will seek out ways to continually amplify black voices.

The New Normal at Forge: Health and Safety Procedures

The New Normal at Forge: Health and Safety Procedures

We have been working hard over the last several weeks to develop a set of Health and Safety Standards that will ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable as we come back to working at Forge.  Our number one priority is to make Forge a safe and healthy working environment for all of our members.  With that being said, a few changes to the way are all used to working at Forge had to be made.


General Guidance

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
  • If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze/cough into your sleeve or arm.
  • Stay at home if you are sick or someone in your household is sick. If you or someone in your household is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 please stay away for the CDC recommended time of 14 days.
  • Maintain a distance of 6 ft. from other members as best as you can.
  • Wear a face covering or mask that covers the nose and mouth when social distancing is not possible, as mandated in the state of Alabama.
  • Members and guests will be asked to check in at the front desk when they arrive at Forge.



Cleaning Procedures:

  1. Forge staff will conduct regular cleaning and disinfecting of shared spaces and high touch points.
    • A cleaning log will be posted in the kitchen and bathrooms for transparency and your peace of mind!
    • Forge Staff will disinfect high touch points at 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm, and 2 pm every day.
  2. Disinfecting wipes will be made available in each phone booth and cubby. Please wipe down the booth and door handles after each use.
  3. Nightly cleaning services will continue.
    • If you have a private office and you do not want the cleaners to enter your office to remove your trash, please let us know.



Coworking Procedures:

  1. We have arranged seating and set up signs to help maximize use while maintaining social distancing guidelines. Please do not move or rearrange furniture.
  2. Please use the provided signs to indicate your work station.
    • When you arrive at Forge please take a sign from the supply table, and once you have chosen you workstation place it at on the table so that it reads: “This workspace is currently being used”
    • When you leave for the day, please flip the sign over so that it reads: “This workspace has been used”
      • This will let other members know someone has used that space.
    • Forge staff will clean and sanitize each workspace, and remove and sanitize the sign signaling to other members that the space is now available!
  3. Please limit your movement within the space by using one workspace for the duration of your day.
  4. When social distancing is not possible, members are encouraged to wear a face covering or mask that covers the nose and mouth, according to the statewide mandate.  While using shared spaces, please wear a mask or face covering that covers your nose and mouth according to the statewide mandate. If you take your mask off while at your workspace, please remember to put your mask back on if you get up to go to the bathroom, use the kitchen, or visit the front desk – any time that you may be unable to maintain a 6 foot distance from other coworkers.



Kitchen Procedures:

  1. Please limit the number of people in the kitchen to 2 and follow the spacing guidelines provided on the floor.
  2. Please wash your hands immediately when you enter the kitchen and/or use a pair of disposable gloves. Dispose of the gloves upon exiting the kitchen and wash your hands.
  3. When selecting a snack or drink, please only touch what you plan to take and take whatever you touch!
    • Continue to send your snack purchases to Kelsey or Katelyn via Slack or email.
  4. We are enforcing a strict policy of nightly cleanings of the fridge so please bring only what you need for the day and take everything with you at the end of the day. This includes any food containers, drinks, condiments, etc.
  5. We will spot check using the nest so please follow these procedures to help make everyone at Forge feel safe!



Conference Rooms:

  1. Conference rooms are only available for bookings until further notice, please do not use a conference room without making a booking.
  2. Please follow new capacity guidelines when booking and using the conference rooms:
    • Cahaba Room: 2 people maximum
    • Vulcan Room: 4 people maximum
    • Podcast Room: 2 people maximum
  3. A buffer time between conference room bookings has been implemented so that Forge staff can clean and sanitize the room between use.
  4. The pow wow room is now only available for use as flexible office space rental by day, week or month.
    • All open offices will also be available for day rental.
  5. Forge conference rooms and flexible private offices will be open for non member bookings. The same capacity and cleaning protocols will apply.
  6. Please limit guests you may bring to Forge to one at a time, unless using the Vulcan Room for a meeting.
    • If bringing a guest into the shared coworking space, please notify us via Slack or Email so that we can “check them in” in a contactless manner or come by the front desk when they arrive so we can check them in. We will need the name and email of each guest.
    • You are responsible for ensuring that your guests comply with the Health and Safety Procedures listed here.
  7. While we will clean and sanitize surfaces in conference rooms between bookings, it is your decision who you share a conference room with and whether or not you wear mask while using the room.


Contact Tracing at Forge:


If any member feels sick and especially if they display symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and/or loss of taste or smell, we ask that you do not come in to work at Forge. We encourage all members to follow CDC Guidelines if you are sick.


If you have been in Forge 2 days prior to developing symptoms or testing positive for Covid-19 please contact Kim Lee via email (kim@workatforge.com) so that we can follow contact tracing protocols. We will notify any members who were also present in the space at the same time during those 2 days. We will not share the names of any members who test positive to the Forge community.

  • Forge will not share the names of any members who test positive to the Forge community.
  • If we deem necessary, Forge may close for 24-48 hours after notification of a member testing positive in order to allow staff to clean and disinfect the space, after which we will reopen. We will notify all members if this if it occurs.


We will follow CDC Recommended Cleaning if someone tests positive.


We will continue to monitor any developments and will update these guidelines and procedures as needed. We will communicate any changes to members. We appreciate your understanding and compliance. Let’s get through this together!

Immune-Boosting Recipes from Mealvana, a Meal Planning Startup

Immune-Boosting Recipes from Mealvana, a Meal Planning Startup

Free meal planning that helps you eat healthy, save time and cook adventurously? Sign me up! That’s exactly what Forge members Xuan Huang and Alex Zotov have been working on with Mealvana. We recently saw their blog post about Immune-Boosting Recipes and wanted to share it for our readers as well. You can read the original post here!


Earlier we published a series of blogs that discussed our immune system and what nutrients are contributing to its function. This blog is a continuous effort to put together a compilation of recipes that are high in immune-boosting nutrients: vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, folic acidzinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, and pre-/pro-biotics 


Recipes will be added often – so come back to visit this page. You can also go to our recipe page for more recipes, follow us (and like us!) on Facebook and Instagram 




  1. Berry smoothie & Granola – introduce yogurt, turmeric, and ginger into your smoothie for added benefit of probiotics and antioxidants. This granola recipe is rich with nuts which are high in vitamin E. 




2. Avocado toast with balsamic maple glazeAvocado is among our favorite foods. It is high in vitamin E and though it is the highest fat-containing fruit, its fat is largely unsaturated fat







  1. Asparagus & salmon – this power combo gets you covered with all immune-boosting nutrients, even with vitamin D, which is naturally lacking in foods.





2. Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Some people love Brussel sprouts; some don’t. If you love them, enjoy this recipe with a twist of sriracha sauce and almonds. If you don’t love them, maybe this recipe will change your opinion toward this super nutritious food. 




  1. Israeli Couscous and Sautéed Mushrooms with Herbs & Simple Baked CodBoth mushrooms and cod are high in selenium and vitamin B6 while mushrooms are also high in vitamin D2. We like these two recipes for the use of herbs and spicesage, rosemary, fennel, and saffron.



Small Business Resources During COVID-19

Small Business Resources During COVID-19

We know so many of you have been affected by this pandemic- that’s why we have been working to keep you educated and informed. You can follow Forge on Eventbrite to see future webinars and events. We will continually update this post with helpful links and recordings.



BhamStrong is a coalition of public, private and civic leaders and organizations collaborating to serve as Birmingham’s COVID-19 Information and Resource Center. BhamStrong provides a single source of truth about how COVID-19 is affecting our community. And they collect real-time data from community members to ensure they design effective relief programs and recommend the right resources to support you.



Pandemic Survival Tips for Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs



Small businesses are working to adjust to quickly changing world. Watch the webinar recording and learn from Jacqui Jones, CEO of One Degree Marketing, as she shared some tips for surviving this time in business.


COVID-19 SBA Loans & Tax Relief 



Adam West of Warren Averett shared important information about the SBA Loans and how they will impact small business owners. There are several options right now for business owners, but figuring out which option is the best for your business can be tricky. The webinar is recorded for you!


Navigating the Next 3 Months of Business



“The world feels upside-down right now! What should we be doing right now to manage the next few months of uncertainty?” This is something we’ve heard from small business owners across the board over the last few weeks. For those struggling with how to manage the short term challenges, we talked tactics, strategy and decisive action. Huge thanks to Sean Eikerman of Cultivate Advisors for leading this webinar.


Legal Protections in a Pandemic



Gatehouse Law’s main goal has always been to tell you “Why” in an “It Depends” world. Right now, with all of the unrest and confusion facing us concerning COVID-19, Gatehouse is here to provide guidance to help you protect your business and make informed decisions as you work to respond in these uncertain times. Josh Andrews at Gatehouse Law has continually supported and educated the small business community in Birmingham. You can view the recorded webinar here.