Coworking spaces like Forge in Birmingham, Alabama have revolutionized the way we work- offering flexibility, community, and a productive environment for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote employees. However, sharing a workspace with others requires a set of etiquette rules to ensure a harmonious and productive atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned coworker or new to the concept, here are the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.



1. Respect Shared Spaces


  • Keep Common Areas Clean: Always clean up after yourself in shared areas like kitchens, lounges, and meeting rooms. Wipe down surfaces, wash your dishes, and throw away trash.
  • Be Mindful of Noise Levels: Use headphones for calls and video conferences to avoid disturbing others- never use speakerphone for calls, even in a closed office. If you need to have a loud conversation, step into a designated phone booth or meeting room.


  • Hog Shared Resources: Whether it’s a conference room, printer, or coffee machine, be considerate of others waiting to use these amenities. Book spaces in advance and adhere to time limits.


2. Maintain Professionalism


  • Dress Appropriately: While coworking spaces are often more relaxed than traditional offices, maintain a professional appearance that’s suitable for your industry.
  • Communicate Respectfully: Be polite and considerate in your interactions with other coworking members.


  • Overshare Personal Details: Keep conversations professional and avoid discussing overly personal matters that might make others uncomfortable.



3. Be Considerate of Others’ Workflows


  • Observe Desk Boundaries: Respect personal space and avoid encroaching on others’ desks. Ask before borrowing supplies and return them promptly.
  • Be Mindful of Scent Sensitivities: Strong perfumes or food odors can be distracting. Eat pungent foods in designated areas.


  • Interrupt Frequently: If someone looks busy or is wearing headphones, it’s a sign they prefer not to be disturbed. Save non-urgent questions or comments for a more appropriate time.



4. Contribute to the Community


  • Engage in Networking Events: Participate in community events and social gatherings to build relationships and contribute to the coworking culture.
  • Share Knowledge and Resources: Offer help and share resources when you can. Collaborative environments thrive on mutual support.


  • Isolate Yourself Completely: While it’s important to focus on work, don’t be completely antisocial. A friendly “hello” or a brief chat does enhance the community spirit!





5. Follow Space-Specific Rules


  • Adhere to Policies: Each coworking space has its own set of rules. Familiarize yourself with them and follow them diligently.
  • Report Issues Promptly: If you notice something broken or malfunctioning, report it to the management immediately to ensure it gets fixed promptly.


  • Neglect Safety Protocols: Whether it’s fire safety, health guidelines, or security measures, always adhere to the space’s safety protocols.



Coworking spaces offer a blend of community and independence, making them an ideal working environment for so many people. By following these etiquette guidelines, you’ll not only create a pleasant atmosphere for yourself but also have a positive contribution to your coworking community. Remember, the key to a successful coworking experience lies in mutual respect of others and consideration.


Happy coworking!