MEET FORGE MEMBER, Matt Cole Southeast Relationship Manager, 4africa

Matt Cole joined the Forge Community several months ago.  Matt is the Southeast Relationship Manager for the non-profit 4africa.  Matt initially joined Forge because he needed a place to work where is 18 month old could not interrupt him every few minutes.  A big added bonus for Matt is that even though he works on a fully remote team, he now has a community of “coworkers.”

Q: In addition to your job title, tell us a little bit about what you do / what your company does.

A: 4africa is a non-profit organization that based out of Ft. Worth, Texas that focuses on leadership development and discipleship in Northern Uganda and South Sudan through the Leadership Academy of South Sudan. We currently have 100 students enrolled at our academy who are working towards university qualification and admission and who are focused on changing their country through their educational, spiritual, and leadership training. We facilitate the only university preparatory academy in the country of South Sudan and believe the future president of South Sudan will come from our academy. We will soon be breaking ground on another leadership academy in Northern Uganda and have the vision to pioneer these academies across Eastern Africa and perhaps one day, the entire continent. My role it share our story and secure financial partnerships with individuals, corporations, and churches throughout the southeast.

Q:  What made you decide to join Forge?

A: I don’t work well at home and coffee shops were getting expensive to stay at one 8 hours a day so I began to look for a co-working space and after talking to and touring other options, FORGE proved to be the best option from excellence and value.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Forge?

A: The other people who work here are all very kind and professional!

Q: What is your favorite spot/place to work at Forge?

A: It was at one of the big wooden tables, but now it’s at my desk space that I am really enjoying.

Q: What are your favorite tech tools to get your job done or keep your life organized?

A: I love the app “Simple Mind Pro” which is a mind mapping app that I use both professionally and personally, as well as an app that I used called “Pause” to help recenter myself throughout the day. I also love using my big widescreen monitor and charging station on my desk for my phone, airpods and watch all at the same time.

Q: What’s the last show you binge-watched?

A: Blacklist

Q:  Is there a product you cannot live without?

A: Iced Lattes

Q: What’s your ideal weekend in Birmingham?

A: Breakfast with my family, morning hangout at the park, afternoon nap to golf, evening walk, wine on the back porch after our son goes down to bed.